keskiviikko 4. huhtikuuta 2012


I haven't been here in a while. Not big loss after all.
I'm going to Tampere tomorrow and friday I'm going to watch Emilie Autumn with my friend, Sini.
I'm really happy to meet her. it's been too long already. And I'm also happy that it's just the two of us.

Life is never easy. For me, it's been really hard lately, and without a reason, somehow.
I've started to write a fanfiction based on couple of OC's in Soul Calibur. It's going to take a while, but I'm still planing to finish and meaby even publish it. It start like this:

How long has it been? This cursed place is too much. There is no grass, nor trees. No sunlight or water. Not even wind blows down here. This has to end. Now.
It has been weeks. Months even. Lyna hide herself behind the nearest statue and began to wait. It was time. She smiled.
Lyna waited for hours. It was quiet. Too quiet. 

I'm writing in english which is really hard, since it's not my native language, but I'm trying.

And.. I don't know what else to write. Joy of joys.

See ya, Jenni